Since 1917

• SERVICIOS Y TRANSPORTES ATLAS SA de CV (wholly owned subsidiary of
Bill Polkinhorn, Inc.)
• 14 units — panels, cadivans, 20' and 24' (lift gates)
• C-TPAT Certified yards both sides of the border
• Bonded and Insured
Cross Border Trucload Service between Imperial Valley and Mexicali Valley and Express LTL Service from Mexicalli, MX to Southern California including Los Angeles, LAX and San Pedro
• GOLDEN WEST TRANSPORTATION, SA DE CV (wholly owned subsidiary of
Bill Polkinhorn, Inc.)
• 17 tractors, 53' Dry Vans and Flatbeds
• C-TPAT certified yards both sides of the border
• Bonded and Insured
Regional Truckload Service 11 Western States
• GWT TRANSPORT, LLC (wholly owned subsidiary of Bill Polkinhorn, Inc. DBA Golden West Transport)
• 12 tractors, 53' Dry Vans and Flatbeds
• C-TPAT certified yards on both sides of the border
• Bonded and Insured